Raging Dragon by Sophia Grace
Written on the Soul Writer Membership
(inspired by the November Wild Woman Workshop 2022)

Raging Dragon

Raging Dragon, raging out of control,
Fire inside, firing out, my pain unfolds,
Blazing fires of anger, gold, red and yellow,
Raging the depths of my torment that bellows.

Raging Dragon, with your fiery red eyes,
Veiled behind your blazing disguise,
My rage, my fear, my grief, loss and tears,
All the pain I have carried over these years.

Raging Dragon, the fury and rage from my heart,
The pain and sorrow that has kept me apart.
Severed from my truth and who I am here to be,
And from life’s magic, majesty and mystery.

A power and force so long feared and denied,
That has fuelled and ignited every tear shed and cried.
Blaze your truth now, raging fire,
And liberate my soul from the depths of this maya.

Raging Dragon of transformation and healing,
Breath of fire, cleansing and revealing.
Raging Dragon, oh what truths you tell,
From the depths of my inner torment and hell.

With a power and force that could wipe out the world,
With your flames of fury and lashing tail uncurled.
Raging Dragon, you have the power to destroy,
Yet also to transmute what shades and shadows my joy.

Reveal your power, rise up out of the ashes,
Unveil great awakenings out of your raging clashes.
Tumultuous destruction, swirling uproar,
I surrender to you and I heed your call.

Raging dragon give rise to gallant winds of change,
With strength and courage born out of your rage.
I stand in Truth before those who led me to cower,
Now liberated, I reclaim my power.

Raging Dragon, whose flames now gracefully recede,
Baring the gift of great stillness and who I am here to be.
Unfolding, and unveiling, transforming and revealing,
Out your ashes, great Truth from the depths of my healing.

Wisdom, Grace, Wholeness and Being,
Compassion, Truth and Higher meaning,
Freedom, Creativity, passion and joy,
Open hearted forgiveness, love and connection.

All of this born from the ashes,
of your raging fury and tumultuous clashes,
No more will I run from your raging fires,
No more will I resist you with my impeding desires.

Raging Dragon let your heart be still for a while,
Rest in the stillness of my heart that is now free to smile.
Your voice has been heard, your pain cried out loud.
Your fire and rage has been witnessed and allowed.

No more will I run from your raging fires,
No more will I thwart you with my resisting desires.
Rather I will allow your truth to be told,
For, out of your truth, my Truth can at last unfold.

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Story 10 - Jamila's Wild Woman


Story 12 - Rebecca's Hermit